Available Commands

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Run any one of the below commands.

bito --help


bito config –help

Check Bito CLI Version

Run any one of the below commands to print the version number of Bito CLI installed currently.

bito -v


bito --version

Bito CLI MyPrompt (Automation using Bito CLI)

The below commands can help you automate repetitive tasks like software documentation, test case generation, writing pull request description, pull request review, release notes generation, writing commit message, and much more.

Explore some intelligent AI automations we've created using Bito CLI, which you can implement in your projects right now. These automations showcase the powerful capabilities of Bito CLI.

1- Non-Interactive Mode with File Input

Run the below command for non-interactive mode in Bito (where writedocprompt.txt will contain your prompt text such as Explain the code below in brief and mycode.js will contain the actual code on which the action is to be performed).

bito –p writedocprompt.txt -f mycode.js

2- Standard Input Mode

Run the below command to read the content at standard input in Bito (where writedocprompt.txt will contain your prompt text such as Explain the code below in brief and input provided will have the actual content on which the action is to be performed).

bito –p writedocprompt.txt

3- Direct File Input

Run the below command to directly concatenate a file and pipe it to bito and get instant result for your query.

On Mac/Linux

cat file.txt | bito

On Windows

type file.txt | bito

4- Redirect Output to a File

On Mac/Linux

Run the below command to redirect your output directly to a file (where -p can be used along with cat to perform prompt related action on the given content).

cat inventory.sql | bito -p testdataprompt.txt > testdata.sql

On Windows

Run the below command to redirect your output directly to a file (where -p can be used along with type to perform prompt related action on the given content).

type inventory.sql | bito -p testdataprompt.txt > testdata.sql

5- Store Context/Conversation History

Run the below command to store context/conversation history in non-interactive mode in file runcontext.txt to use for next set of commands in case prior context is needed. If runcontext.txt is not present it will be created. Please provide a new file or an existing context file created by bito using -c option. With -c option now context is supported in non-interactive mode

On Mac/Linux

cat inventory.sql | bito -c runcontext.txt -p testdataprompt.txt > testdata.sql

On Windows

type inventory.sql | bito -c runcontext.txt -p testdataprompt.txt > testdata.sql

6- Instant Response for Queries

Run the below command to instantly get response for your queries using Bito CLI.

echo "give me code for bubble sort in python" | bito

Using Comments

Anything after # symbol in your prompt file will be considered as a comment by Bito CLI and won't be part of your prompt.

You can use \# as an escape sequence to make # as a part of your prompt and to not use it for commenting anymore.

Few examples for above:

  • Give me an example of bubble sort in python # everything written here will be considered as a comment now.

  • Explain what this part of the code do: \#include<stdio.h>

    • In the example above \# can be used as an escape sequence to include # as a part of your prompt.

  • #This will be considered as a comment as it contains # at the start of the line itself.

Using Macro

Use {{%input%}} macro in the prompt file to refer to the contents of the file provided via -f option.

Example: To check if a file contains JS code or not, you can create a prompt file checkifjscode.txt with following prompt:

Context is provided below within contextstart and contextend
Check if content provided in context is JS code.

Last updated


Bito Inc. (c) 2024